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Reiki Treatment

Energy Healing

Bio-Energetic Synchronization Technique (B.E.S.T.)

Bio-Energetic Synchronization Technique (B.E.S.T.) energy modality is a non-forceful, energy balancing protocol used to help reestablish the full healing potential of the body.  B.E.S.T. protocol is designed to integrate subconscious interference which is due to unresolved emotion stored in the body. Created by Drs. Sue Morter and her father, M.T. Morter, this protocol is designed to steward embodiment. From my experience, embodiment is the key to sustained wellness, consciousness and healing.


This technique is designed to redirect the body to its inherent self-healing and self-regulating state. It is a gentle healing system used to address stress and promote balance in the body including the nervous, muscular, circulatory, digestive, and hormonal systems. When a system moves out of balance it creates a pattern of physical, emotional, and chemical symptoms including illness and disease.


Think of your body like your smartphone. If you open your smartphone right now, you probably have too many apps open and running in the background which results in a stressful overuse of the system. Over time, the operating and hardware systems become overtaxed and the system shuts down resulting in catastrophic failure. Your phone locks up or completely dies. Your body systems work much in the same way. When they are stressed, overtaxed, or unbalanced they cause other systems to work harder to make up for their deficiency resulting in exhaustion and imbalance. System exhaustion manifests as muscle and joint pain, fatigue, digestive issues, hormonal imbalance, and emotional stress, to name a few.


Created by Drs. Sue Morter and her father, M.T. Morter, this protocol is designed to steward embodiment. Embodiment is the key to sustained enlightenment, true liberation and freedom.


The link below will take you to a YouTube video of Dr. Sue Morter explaining a B.E.S.T. Session. She shows an in-person session. I follow the same protocol remotely, which is also taught by Dr. Sue Morter.

Image by Jackson David

B.E.S.T. works to maximize the healing potential of your body’s natural systemic intelligence. When your systems are in balance...vibrant energy returns and your body can begin the process of healing itself and returning to ideal, natural health.

B.E.S.T Services

Initial B.E.S.T.

(BioEnergetic Synchronization Technique)

Session (50 minutes)



(BioEnergetic Synchronization Technique)

Session (30 minutes)


B.E.S.T. Plus Coaching

(BioEnergetic Synchronization Technique)

Session (50 minutes)


Eyes Closed

Group Remote BEST Sessions

50 - 55 Minutes Session

In my remote Group B.E.S.T sessions I use the same protocol that I use in my 1-1 in person and remote B.E.S.T. sessions. Group B.E.S.T includes 5-10 minute brief overview of B.E.S.T. for those who aren't familiar with the process. Following the overview we will spend a few minutes settling into our bodies and the begin the session. There is nothing you need to do to prepare. If you have a rising positive, present tense intention, please bring that with you. Or, I will have an intention for the group. You will only need a comfortable, quiet place to lay down. I won't need to be able to see you, but you will need to be able to hear my instructions as I guide you through the process. We should be complete in 50-55 minutes. 

Join here to receive emails specific to Group B.E.S.T sessions.

The exchange for each Group B.E.S.T. Session is $10 USD.

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